Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Future Plans: Vague Idea! Major Improvements! Neat!

Hey United States, long time no see. You  haven't aged one bit. Four months sure can feel like forever, can't it?

First of all, I got a Macbook Pro! Wow. I feel like Superwoman with this thing. Multitasking is at a whole new level, ya'll. I'm writing this post, texting my mom, googling the correct spelling of "coop", and downloading all types of programs without batting an eye. THIS IS COOL. I really never intended to be an Apple fangirl, but as of now I am all Apple'd out. But I digress.

I swear I'm not just going to brush over my London trip, but it's way too much information to shrink down into a paragraph at the beginning of an otherwise unrelated blog post, so just hold tight on the trip recap! I have too much to say and no idea how to say it all without it coming out like "WOW LONDON WOW TRAVELING WOW BOYFRIEND WOW NEW PALS WOW CRAZY FOOD WEIRD HOSTELS BEAUTIFUL PLACES MIND BLOWN WOW".  So pardon me while I completely ignore the last four months of my awesome life and just skip to the goodies:

I finally know what I'm doing this summer.

Anyone that knows me knows that music plays a very critical part in my life. I find a lot of solace in listening to and consuming music that resonates with me. I play a few instruments, I am obsessed with music award shows, my last internship was with a music venue, and even my boyfriend is (really good) DJ/way industry educated/walking jukebox/perfect karaoke partner.

So music isn't work for me, not in any sense of the word, because it brings me joy. I'm also confident that I know what I'm talking about in terms of music. It is the one topic I do feel up to date on. In order to make work feel a lot less like work, my professional goals include music. Music public relations or music publicity is what I know I can do well in, and more importantly where I know I have good suggestions to offer and implement.

Fortunately, I landed a super cool internship in music publicity in none other than New York City.  Growing up, New York was a faraway place meant for magical late night eating after a Broadway show, being a regular old tourist on 5th Avenue - a place I only visited once in a great while, and one that I treasured very much every time.  I never would have believed that working in a city which I have fondly loved from mostly afar would EVER present itself.

But life is funny, and sometimes it surprises you in a big way. The opportunity came at exactly the right time. I applied, was interviewed (over the phone while 6 hours ahead in a small apartment in Berlin, Germany while Lawrence pretended not to listen so I wouldn't be more nervous) and got the offer a few days later. I'll be working with some fairly popular names in the music industry, and most importantly I'll be able to gain my first real experiences in the industry that I hope to make my official career in one short year upon graduation.

I also get to work, on the days which I am not interning, at my beloved tour guide job. This means commuting back to Philadelphia for the end of the week, every week. It means a lot of hours on Megabus's and probably a whole lot of sweating. It also means getting to see my great bosses, my hilarious co workers, and make a few bucks to help keep me afloat amongst NYC commuting costs, inevitable coffee addiction, and general life expenses. I am incredibly, unbelievably blessed to have my cake and eat it, too in terms of my work schedule in both NYC and PHL.

I knew when I applied - and still know now, approaching the start date - that being away from home for the first summer ever in my whole life will not be the easiest or most comfortable thing I've ever done. I've never been anywhere but York, PA on warm summer nights and really humid, lazy days. I'm going to miss sleeping in, eating free food, and most of all being able to spend every day with my family. It's hard but necessary and I know that life isn't always a lazy summer afternoon. It's busy and hard work, but also rewarding! And that's why I'm so excited to seize this opportunity. Thanks Mom & Dad for letting me fly the coop, especially after you let me wander the world for four months!

So to say my summer is going to be busy is an understatement, probably. But there is a plus side! Actually, there are a ton of plus sides. In no particular order:

-- Experience GALORE!
-- I work best when I'm busiest.
-- I get to see each of my York, New York, and Philadelphia families every week. 
-- Even though only up and down the east coast, I still get to have an element of travel in my life. 
-- I get to do something I've always wanted to do. 

So anyway, that's just a short update about my life since my last post, in which I had no idea what I would be doing for the summer. It really amazes me how everything works out. I always say that my motto is "Everything happens for a reason", and this is a testament to that. Here's to a long, productive and fun summer. Look out, Big Apple! I'm coming for you!