paige kylee
philadelphia / nyc.
Every time I think I've got my life all figured out, it takes another weird or wild turn. But in the meantime, I'm having a great run. I go to university (a senior already - SOS), I work, I play, and I try to keep it all organized. A music PR girl probably off somewhere writing a press release or organizing an interview schedule. (Also always willing to work for food/love/full time employment.)
Here's a fun list of things i think are rad as rain:
Here's a fun list of things i think are rad as rain:
vintage wares, estate sales, travel, London anything, a nice snapshot, people watching, Temple University, browsing the stationery isle, black and white anything, reading real books, reading ebooks, reading non-books, reading anything. cheap concert tickets, Philadelphia and everything in it, handlettering, sewing up head-related beauties, urban art, eating, FOOD, more food, dessert, did I mention food?, my puppies, my pals, my kinfolk, my partner, my job, anything handmade or homemade or from the heart.
I have a love affair with all of the beautiful things in my life.
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