Monday, September 29, 2014

The Oldest City.

I just have to say it.

I am genuinely in love with Philadelphia. Like if I could marry this city, I would do it. (Ew? Too much?)

There are a billion and  half reasons that I am constantly pinching myself while I'm here. The innumerable cultures? Yes. The fact that I can walk straight down a single road for about 25 minutes and be in the heart of a massive metropolitan city? Obviously. The fact that each neighborhood is like it's own little world? Yeah. The bagels? YES. The horrifyingly fat rats with fur also known as city squirrels? No. Not those. We can leave them out.....forever. Please.

I know it's lame, but I count myself so fortunate to be as  much a part of what makes Philly so....well, Philly as everyone and everything else that make up its radical city vibe & geo footprint.

My blog pal Alaina & I spent Friday afternoon maxin' in Old City, also known as the most charming of all the neighborhoods in Philadelphia. If you don't believe me, just google image it. There is something that feels different in Old City - maybe its the fact that the buildings sit a little lower on the skyline and that it contains some of the most historical bits of Philly, the cobblestone roads, or even the little bit of greenery that you can't quite catch in other city areas. All of it gives off this charm that is genuinely soul-refreshing.

Basically we had a blasty-blast having a 'blog' day together, including some thrifting finds and one of the hands down BEST iced teas I've ever had in my life ever ever ever, EVER.

If, perhaps, you are ever in the Old City area, please PLEASE stop in at Old City Coffee, which is at 221 Church Street. It's first of all adorable and second of all so tasty. I wish I had gotten a sweet treat but I was stuffed, so I'll be going back. What I did get was an herbal tea that blew my brain to mars and back. I haven't been drinking as much coffee as I used to lately, but that's another story in itself. So even if you aren't a coffee person, there's still a reason to go by.

I'm an idiot and forgot to grab a picture of the front, so here's one via the website (which also has the menu, so go!):

I know. I'm dying. Those cobblestone streets get me every time. 

<-- LOOK at her.
One of my favorite ladies.

  Can you tell I'm happy with it? I so was.        --->

One of the best bits of Old City is the treasure trove of little boutiques, vintage shops, and general neato-ness.We stopped in for a hot second into one that sold the coolest little bits and pieces, including sage bunches for cleansing  your living space of negative energies. I've been meaning to sage for a while, so I might have to stop back in.

I was most obsessed with old hotel key ring number tags. I'm beating myself up for not buying one of them. They were SO RAD. I'm a sucker for things with extra historical value and charm and these brass rings were so old school and wicked I was obsessed. I didn't even get a picture because I'm lame, but I did snap a shot of the old timey drinking glasses with cartoon prints. I know these aren't really that old at all, SORRY MOM, I know you had them as a kid.... and you're only 29. ;)

We walked from Old City proper over to South Street, another happenin' hipster bit of Philly so I could finally, finally, finally check out Philly Aids Thrift for the first time. It was, as expected, totes cool. I couldn't believe how much stuff was there. I ended up with a few itty bitty purchases, including a ten cent post card - literally obsessed. I'm gonna put it on Instagram a little bit after I post this I think, so do check that out. 

On the way there we took these, which just make me smile inside and out. 

And I could go on and on about Philly Aids Thrift, but I think this picture of Alaina sums it up:

I'm horrified. 

The point is, days like Friday remind me just exactly how much I am truly obsessed with the city I get to call my home away from home. And it's really my home now - it feels like my city; I leave a little piece of myself there every time I go. I know that doesn't happen to everyone or everywhere. I know that I am lucky, so brilliantly lucky, and I won't ever stop exploring as long as I have the absolute privilege of doing it. 

Many loves to Alaina for being an amazing blog pal and even better friend!

All the best, 
